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Test the VR-Suite with your own Project Portal. Restriction: present4D branding in 360° locations.
Or buy a License for commercial use.
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Get the latest VR-Suite version. Download now.
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Windows PC
Apple iOS
DPVR Edu Pro
Pico G24K
Pico Neo3
Pico 4
Quest 1
Quest 2
Quest 3
Oculus Rift

PC Only, Oculus Rift
Version: 2.5 NEW
Date: 01.12.2023
After unzipping the download file you can directly start with or without VR headset – but with Oculus Rift it is much more fun and more efficient.
Please enable “Unknown Sources” at Oculus Desktop App / settings

Oculus Go & Samsung GearVR
Version: 2.3 End of Life
Date: 22.10.2020
After entering the Oculus Home Key you will find the VR-Suite in the Oculus Store under “not installed”.
Oculus Go
Please read the instructions for using the Oculus Go.
How to redeem the code on your Smartphone:
1) Start the Oculus App
2) Click “more”
3) Click “Reedem Code“ or „Code einlösen“
4) Enter Oculus Key
The code only needs to be entered once per Oculus ID, even if this ID is used on multiple devices.

SteamVR for HTC Vive & Windows MR
Version: 2.3 (2.5 coming soon)
Date: 22.10.2020
After unzipping the download file you can directly start with or without VR headset – but with HTC Vive it is much more fun and more efficient. The Vive version is on the same development level as the Oculus version, but it is tested less intensively.

VR-Suite for Android and iOS* Cardboard & Tablets
Version: 2.5 (NEW)
Date: 01.12.2023
For installation on Samsung and Apple Smartphones: Tested with Samsung S7, S8 & S9 and iPhone 7, 8, X, XS
*The iOS version is in the release process. Dubbing without the Internet will be submitted later for iOS via update. The transmitting via cable please request a special version.
Apple iOS
Version: 2.3 (2.5 coming soon)
Date: 22.10.2020
Version 2.5 / 01.12.2023
Changed name of all Apps from present4D to VR-Suite
Server License manager
Server Relocated from Amazon Web Service to Hetzer
- In order to meet the data protection requirements of German schools, we switched our cloud to Hetzner. Hetzner has very high data security standards. As we were also previously hosted in Germany with AWS, our international customers shouldn’t notice any difference. The change also affects all old VR-Suite versions. https://www.hetzner.com/legal/legal-notice
Expert Mode for a simplified User Interface
- Expert Mode: Simplified interface for students and beginners.
- When Expert Mode is off, some features are hidden to make everything easier to use.
- Depending on your license type, Expert Mode is activated, deactivated or not available by default.
- Enable the Expert Mode
Enhanced Usability
- Import Assistant for 360 Media: Media Types and Dimensions of 360° Locations
- License Management: Local Server License Manager for simple group handling: Local Server License Manager
- Import Assistant for Slideshows: Multimedia Types and Dimensions
- Reduce performance for slow laptops Quality and Performance Settings for Desktops
More interactive storytelling
- New InfoSpot type (7): “Weblink / Youtube”: Step by Step Import
- Hide HotSpots until the end of 360° videos: 3. HotSpot Visibility
- Hide InfoSpots until the end of 360° videos: 1. Slideshow Icon Visibility
- Custom Logic: jump between 360°-Videos and start at the current play time (for captured live events): startVideoAtTime() & setVideoTime()
- Custom Logic: Jump with HotSpot to specific 360° video time: startVideoAtTime(Time in seconds)
- Custom Logic: startTimer(string variableName)
- Custom Logic: pauseTimer(string variableName)
- Custom Logic: resetTimer(string variableName)
- Custom Logic: onEnteredPanoVideoTime(float beginTime, float endTime)
- Custom Logic: enterPanoVideoTime(float beginTime, float endTime)
- Custom Logic: onLeftPanoVideoTime(float beginTime, float endTime)
- Custom Logic: onQuizCompleted
- Custom Logic: changeVisibility(string visibility,int spotID*)
- New answer type: “Text”: Page Type – Question Slide
- PDF Certification: via Email Quiz with certification PDF – for Advanced users only
- Global score to collect the score of multiple quizzes: Global Score
New Devices
- Pico G2 4K: Pico G2 4K
- Pico Kiosk Mode: Pico G2 4K
- Pico Neo 3 & Neo 4: Pico Neo 3 & Neo 4
- HTC Focus 3: htc-installer
- Quest 2 & 3: quest-installer
General improvements and Bugfixes
- Changed: On Mac OSX, the storage is not longer inside the App Package.
You can copy your whole project portals with OSX Finder from the old location to the new location to avoid the need of redownload everything.
- With F11 (windows only) you can now open the location of the debug log in the Startup Screen, Project Portal and in the project.
- Better PDF quality in html version
- Icons for 3D objects can be exchanged via the ... button next to the icons in Editor Mode.
- Add GLTF2 for 3D Objects
- fix 3D-Object Startview
- fix 3D-Object rotating-mode
- fix Rename Project Portal
- fix Quiz related bugs
- fix syncMedia bugs
- fix Overlay Media bug after sync media.
- Added: Bug report can sent also on Mac OSX. (Press F12 in Project Portal and again F12 after the issue occurred.)
- Added: When starting Bug report (press F12 in Project Portal) the version number at left bottom switch from light white to bright white.
Version 2.3 / 22.10.2020
PC Installer Version – Standard
PC Portable Version
Mac OSX Portable
PC SteamVR
New Features
- 360° Recorder for recording 360°-Videos inside your VR-Suite project, to put it on Facebook or Youtube or video post production: 360 Recording Mode
- VoIP in Conference Mode: Voice over IP
- Optional Ground Logo for all locations to hide the nadir: Ground logo
- Mp3 files are supported
- Advanced: Overlay Media: Include videos or photos with the right perspective more easily, e.g. as an overlay of a television in a 360° picture: Overlay Media Display
Web Export
- Improved: Better quality for Web Export
- Improved: Individual quality settings for Web Export possible: Quality Settings for Web Export
- Improved: The project title will also be used for the title of the index.html
- Improved: also non Nvidia graphics cards are supported
- Improved: Hide Names for HotSpots and Slideshows like in VR-Suite native App
- Improved: The iMenu icon can be hidden like in the Native VR-Suite App
- Bug Fix: sometimes stereoscopic media were not converted correctly to mono files
General Improvements
- New documentation for the Custom Logic: Custom Logic
- New error message if the conference server is not available
- iMenu restructured for an better overview
- In iMenu “Hide HotSpot Names” and „Hide Slideshow Names“ can be set
- Overlay Media: volume control via xml
- Display quality of PDF documents: PDF Quality Settings
- Better warning messages if the dimensions of imported media files are not optimal
- More special characters that can cause problems on certain platforms are removed on import and sync media
Other Bug Fixes
- Settings for Conference optimized for a better connectivity
- Sending of a bug report is now reliably
- PDF documents can be reliably scrolled
- iMenu symbol in Editor mode was not available sometimes
- Resetting the quiz database now also works on mobile devices
Version 2.2 / 18.11.2019
Installer Version – Standard:
Portable Version:
Mac Portable Version:
SteamVR Portable Version:
- NEW MODULE: Web Exporter to export HTML compatible VR-Suite Projects
- Sound Buttons to control the Playback of Sounds in 360° Locations
- Redesigned licensing Dialog
- Improvement for PDFs in Slideshows
- Improved Error Messages
- Software Update Information, if an Update is available
- Folder for individual Icons will now be installed automatically
- Implementing of new Licensing possibilities for the Free Version
- Special characters are now also removed when uploading to ensure better device compatibility
- Improved FARO ScanPlan Map: unlimited Project Size, better usability, exchange map graphic feature
- Fixed Bug: sometimes the logo was not displayed correctly
- Fixed Bud: now also offline Projects can be duplicated
- Fixed Bug: Reset on Inactivity
- Fixed Bug: The Import of Faro Projects sometimes could not be started correctly
- Minor Bugfixes
Version 2.1 / 02.04.2019
PC Installer Version – Standard:
VR-Suite 2.1 PC– Installer Player and Editor
PC Portable Version:
VR-Suite 2.1 PC– Player and Editor
Changed name of all Apps from VR-Suite to present4D
- Additional Installer Version for PC.
- Improved Import
- FARO ScanPlan Projects inclusive interactive Map (ScanPlan Export to present4D)
- FARO Scene Webshare Projects
- FARO Zone3D (Zone3D Export to present4D)
- Improved Export of Quiz results
- NonVR: New button for easy access to the iMenu
- Improved PDF Slideshow support with zoom feature.
- Fixed 3D Connexion Mouse Driver problem
- Minor Bugfixes
Version 2.0 / 18.02.2019
VR-Suite 2.0 PC– Player and Editor
VR-Suite 2.0 OSX – Player and Editor
VR-Suite 2.0 – Player and Editor
- New User Interface to easily add Content
- Quiz for Multiple Choice Training and Surveys
- 360° Live Streaming
- Project Portal for managing multiple Target Groups
- Optional HTML Export
- Better Server Performance with Amazon Cloud Service
- HotSpot Target View Automation
- PDF Support for 360° Locations & Slideshows
- Snap Turning
- Improved User Interface
- Improved Controller Support
- Improved 3D Positioning of HotSpots and Icons
- Improved Presentation Safe Mode
- Performance Boost for Downloads
- Fixed long Turning in Non-VR Mode
- Fixed Problems with Stereo 360 Videos
- Numerous Detail Improvements and Fixes
- Completely revised Manual
Version 1.6.0 / 24.09.2018
Presentation management
- Launcher (from GearVR and Oculus Go) is now also used on PC to handle multiple presentations more easy.
- Sync between devices (Make changes in VR Editor on mobile devices and sync these changes back to the cloud server)
- Display that an update of a presentation is available
- It is possible to skip the launcher and autostart a specific presentation
- Better dialogs, for example if you really want to delete a tour
- Duplicate an existing tour
- In earlier versions max 6 presentations could be handled in launcher, now it is unlimited
- If the upload of a presentation update was interrupted, the existing presentation on the server could not be used any more. Now we have integrated an automatic roll back.
- “create” button in launcher to create a new presentation
- On upload a presentation it is not longer necessary to enter a presentation name. VR-Suite will overtake the current presentation name. (To change the name please duplicate the presentation.)
- Preview images can be updated in launcher if a newer one is available.
- In Presentation Save mode, more buttons are hidden in launcher.
- License key could now be entered in launcher instead of iMenu.
- Licensing: if the serial is copied to the clipboard it will automatically be pasted in license menu
- Upload: “not iOS-compatible” message with more concrete informations
- Improved tablet support (Beta)
- GearVR Home screen: New additional App to create an VR-Suite Icon on Home screen.
- 3D Objects can be embedded in slideshows.
- Editor: password can be individualized!
- Editor: more controller are supported: Oculus touch, steamVR, Oculus Go, GearVR
- Intuitive icon at “open explorer” button in iMenü
- Set an individual presentation preview image for the launcher
- You can now also confirm text entries with the enter key
Conference & Mirror via Web
- Mirror via Web: If the sending device is paused, at the receiving device could automatically start a screen saver movie
- The arrow graphic could be individualized now with an own png graphic
- Laser pointer: Custom size
- Automatic reconnecting if network errors occur in conference mode
- Improved proxy possibilities
- Oculus Go is now officially supported, including file transfer via cable
Fixed Bugs
- disableTransparencyOfHotspotButtons is now reactivated
- disableTransparencyOfSlideshowButtons is now reactivated
- many detail improvements
Known Bugs
The following bugs are known and we still are working on them:
- Mirror via Web & Screen saver: Screen saver does not end if more than 2 devices are connected.
- 3D Objects & Conference Mode: The Objects can not be turned an closed if more than 2 devices are connected.
- iOS crashes while starting if the device is in landscape mode.
- Oculus Go: it is not possible to enter the License key (for sync back your edits)
- Cardboard Touch Mode (Beta): Butons are so small that they can not be used very comfortable. In Edit Mode the icons will be moved if you drive with your finger above them.
- If you change a clientID while you are offline, different errors may occure in Launcher. If so, please restart the VR-Suite. Current driver versions have a bug: the controller are not active after starting VR-Suite To activate the controller press the oculus button on the controller and go directly back into VR-Suite.
Version 1.5.0 / 01.05.2018
Oculus & PC (old)
SteamVR (old)
Connectivity & Compatibility
- Improved data transfer to mobile devices via cable
- SteamVR Version Supports: HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality headsets and other
- Mobile Launcher: better scrolling behavior
- Mobile Launcher: better click behavior
- Mobile Launcher: in flight mode now all tours are available (mixed ClientIDs)
- Mobile Launcher: when the smart phone is online, tours that have been manually copied to the mobile device are visible even if they are not stored on our server
- Import: when importing stereo content, the term „stereo“ is removed from the displayed location name
- Mirror smoothing if VR-Suite is connected to a large screen
Network & Conference
- Improved proxy support
- Conference: Fixed an error with „Auto Join“
- Conference: „Mirror via Web“ can now also be temporarily switched off on mobile devices
Other improvements
- improved Samsung S8 stability
- improved iOS stability
- iOS: prevent the iPhone from becoming inactive once the VR-Suite is active
- Integrated bug report
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Unofficial introduction of Custom Logic (CL) for enhanced flexibility. The CL enables the development of multiple choice tests, gaming approaches and smarter presentations including analytics and an interface for opening external applications as well as protocols such as MQTT. Please contact us for further information.
Beta functions
- Automatic 360° panorama import from FARO® WebShare Projects
Version 1.4.1p3 / 26.09.2017
Oculus & PC (old)
HTC Vive (old)
Minor Fixes
Audio files on cardboard are now louder
Welcome text is shown correctly if the Smartphone is 180° turned
Installing issues on Android Nougat devices
Vive performance optimisation
Network issues
iOS optimisation
Version 1.4.1p2 / 29.06.2017
New feature and changes overview:
- Improved interface individualisation
- Desktop icon for GearVR app
- Realtime text in Point-of-Interests
- End actions for 360° videos
- Screensaver video
- Define a start location
- Presentation background sound
Network & Conference
- 4 GB distribution via cloud
- Use proxy for network
- Improved network connection
- Skip connection check
- Mirror via web smoothing
- Mirror via web with smartphones
- Sync slideshow handling
More Devices
- iOS Version starting at iPhone 6
- official Vive Beta
- Many detail improvements & bug fixes
Version 1.3.443 / 22.02.2017
New functions / improvements:
- Oculus CV1 compatible
- Improvement of image Quality
- Many Detail improvements & Bug fixes
Version 1.2.369 / 16.09.2016
- Many detail improvements & bug fixes
Version 1.0.301 / 20.04.2016
New functions / improvements:
- Import: data extension now is accepted with small and big letters
- GUI: facelift for GearVR and Cardboard startscreen
- GUI: to open the editor you can choose between 2 x space-tab or 10 x space-tab + password “edit”
- GUI: PC without Oculus: better rotation feeling
- GUI: PC without Oculus: speed and direction is accessable in settings.xml
- GUI: better error messages
- GUI: client logo is now shown on GearVR and Cardboard
- GUI: conference name now with vr-textfield editable
- GUI: license button is now embedded in settings menu (iMenu)
- GUI: in GearVR und Cardboard launcher it is not nessesary to write the “-” in the ClientID abc-def –> abcdef
- GUI: to enable the present4D demo tour in gearVR and Cardboard, type in the ClientID “demo”
- GUI: more precise audio volume controls
- Player: slideshows with videos and autoplay: the videos are running to the end before switching to the next media file
- App Name: changed from present4D to VR-Suite
- Conference: Mirror via Web available in settings menu & deactivation button while starting
- Conference: now we use our own server for the connection (hosted by Strato)
- Cloud: Upload progress state
- Cloud: individual preview picture for GearVR & Cardboard: preview.jpg inside data folder
- Cloud: audio signal after installation on mobile device is ready
- Cardboard: single View Modus
- Editor: safemode for tradeshows: hide “delete” button and “reload settings” button in GearVR & Cardboard launcher
- Editor: GearVR: to enable edit modus, tap on hardware button instead on touchpad
- Editor: new slideshows now automatically have an autostart
- Editor: volume control stereo background sounds
- Editor: rename HotSpots
- Editor: new icons will be added / deleted on sync media
- Editor GUI: Hotspots Editor: HotSpot filter shows all linked HotSpots.
- Editor GUI: open pano folder in windows explorer if you look to the number left beside the location name in location editor
- Editor: when pressing sync button, all file names will be optimized to minimize problems on other operating systems
Bug fixes:
- Offline mode on GearVR and Cardbord
- Cardboard: errors if just one tour was available
- Crosshair: was shown near by 0°
- Cardboard: video slideshows
- Cardboard: stereoscopic images
- Cardboard: startview
- Cardboard: error messages
- Audio: better looping quality
- Audio: bug while changing in menu from 360° video to 360° video
- Audio: stereo background sounds
- Cloud: change between ClientIDs (online & offline)
- Cloud: more stable upload and download
- Conference: viewing direction of arrows
- GUI: number in menu – some small errors
- GUI: edit names of locations in non Oculus mode
- Player: blending all elements of before loading the next 360° location
- Player: shorter timeout while starting connected to a router without internet
- Editor: repositioning of startview
- Import: background sound improvements
- many smaller bug fixes
Version 1.0.259 / 23.12.2015
- First official VR-Suite Version