
Professionell an jeder Schnittstelle

Seit 1995 führen wir Projekte für KMUs und Unternehmen in verschiedenen Konstellationen durch. Von der Gestaltung eines Firmenmuseums bis hin zur multimedialen Betreuung von Messeständen haben uns unsere Kunden mit sehr unterschiedlichen Aufgaben beauftragt. Die Themen Visualisierung, Content Management, 360° und 3D waren immer der gemeinsame Nenner unserer Entwicklung. Viele der Projekte basieren auf der VR-Suite, während einige von ihnen von Grund auf nach den Bedürfnissen der Kunden aufgebaut werden. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam herausfinden, was für Sie am besten funktioniert.


Selbstentwickelte Werkzeuge für smarte Projekte

  • VR-Suite für Projekte mit 360°-Videos, 360°-Livestreams und 360°-Fotos
  • Workspace-VR für Echtzeit-3D Projekte. Nutzen Sie Ihre CAD Daten oder lassen Sie uns 3D-Umgebungen für Sie gestalten

360° VR-Tour


Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden mit einer 360°-Tour einzigartige Einblicke in Ihr Unternehmen.

ab 5.495€*

• Full-Service, High-Quality 360°-Produktion
• Wir erstellen 10 Panoramabilder an Ihrem Standort
• Wir integrieren 5 Multimedia Slideshows
• Kann in Ihrem Browser, Smartphone, Tablett, Computer, VR-Headset….. angezeigt werden
• Nehmen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit, wohin Sie auch gehen

Ihre CAD-Dateien in VR


Lassen Sie Ihre CAD-Daten lebendig werden und verbessern Sie Ihre visuelle Kommunikation.

ca. 9.999€*

• Wir konvertieren Ihre CAD-Dateien für VR
• Interaktive begehbare 3D-Szene
• Realistisches Echtzeit-Lighting und -Rendering
• Mit und ohne VR-Headset anzeigbar
• Zusätzliche Webbrowser-Version (360°-Renderings)

Individuelles Projekt


Was können wir für Sie tun?

Auf Anfrage

• Projektorganisation & Planung
• VR- und AR-Projekte
• Immersive Multimedia-Produktionen
• Programmierung & Modellierung
• Erstellung & Auslieferung von Apps

Einige Beispiele unserer Projekte:

Imperial Logistics –

Die von present4D entwickelte interaktive Achterbahnfahrt, die an Produktfotos und Slogans vorbeifuhr, sorgte für viel Action am Transport- und Logistikstand.

Europapark –

Streaming 360°-Videoplayer in 2K und 4K. Verfügbar für Samsung GearVR, Cardboard und Oculus Rift.

present4D has developed the first official COASTIALITY app on behalf of MackMedia. Various roller coasters in VR mode make you want more.

Doosan –
Digitale Referenzliste

Mit der VR-Suite hat present4D 18 globale Doosan-Kraftwerksstandorte praktisch zugänglich gemacht. Viele detaillierte Informationen machen die VR-Präsentation zu einem umfassenden und unvergesslichen Informationssystem.


17 Panorama Standorte, 291 Panoramen

Mit present4D gibt RWE transparente Einblicke in eine der größten Baustellen Europas. present4D hat verschiedene Kraftwerke und große Industrieanlagen virtuell zugänglich gemacht.

Amway –
Sky Produkteinführung

Mit einer maßgeschneiderten Version der VR-Suite führte Amway das Produkt „Sky“ ein und schulte seine Mitarbeiter. Spielmodule und Quiz-Elemente wurden als Entwicklungsprojekt in der VR-Suite implementiert.

ThyssenKrupp –

Als virtuelle Erweiterung des Messestandes auf der BAUMA nutzt ThyssenKrupp eine Virtual Reality 3D-Präsentation von present4D. Fachkunden können so das Funktionsprinzip des neuen Steinkreiselbrechers anschaulich erklären.

Referenzliste ...

Auszug aus unserer Kundenliste


AE&E Lentjes: Photo documentation of power plant Harlingen

Animago Award: VR Event

Alstom: Service of 360° construction documentation of a power plant in Brasil (via Inlinear)

Animotion SL: Speaker

Amway: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Amway: VR Project

ANWR Campus: Virtual tour (via agency Klubhaus)

Arbeitgeberverband: VR Workshop and Keynote

Arca: Image video

AVB: Virtual Tour

AVATARA: Production of an animated presentation (via pride images)


Bayer: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels)

Bayer Material Science: Content creation of  a special LED display installation for a trade fair (via tennagels)

Bergbau (Mining museum): Virtual Tour

Bergische Universität Wuppertal: VR-Suite license

Bene GmbH: VR-Suite license

Bethel: VR Workshop and VR presentation at UNO conference

beumer: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels und sektor GmbH; recurring)

Bobst:  Comprehensive time-lapse image video for a construction documentation of a trade fair booth

Boll Filtertechnik: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels und raum concept GmbH)

Borusseum (Soccer museum): Virtual Tour

Böhme & Weihs: VR Event (via agency Freitag!)

Brancheninstitut für Prozessoptimierung (Institute of Process Optimization): VR-Event

Brigitte Küchen: VR Project (via agency Hochfarbe)

Büro Hillebrand: VR Event


Concord: Image time-lapse video as a construction documentation at a trade fair

Conform Messebau: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Creave – Film Agency: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Croma Pharma: Long standing multi-media support at diverse international trade fairs (via tennagels)


Daimler AG: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Daimler AG: Training VR-Suite

Der Deutsche Innovationspreis: VR Event „VR-Lounge“ (recurring)

Deutsche Post AG: VR-Suite license & VR Projekt

DFL: Content creation of  a special movable LED display installation (via tennagels and agency kogag)

DHL: Virtual Reality-Suite License and project support

DMT Innovation Center: 360° Documentation underground – 120 Panorama photos in total darkness

Doosan-Lentjes: Virtual plant tour of a waste incineration plant in Frankfurt

Doosan-Lentjes: Virtual plant tour of a coal power station in Czech Republic

Doosan-Lentjes: Virtual plant tour of a cycle power plant in Duisburg

Doosan: Development of a digital reference list with over 18 power plants and more than 180 of 360° photos

Douglas: Content creation of  a special LED display installation in the Flagship store Berlin (via tennagels)

Dr. Eckel: Virtual tour (via agency Bamberg)

Duravit: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at ISH (via tennagels)


Eickhoff: Diverse content creation for a showroom at the Kö in Duesseldorf (via tennagels; recurring)

Energiedienst: Multimedia support at diverse trade fairs

Engram: Several Virtual Reality-Suite Licenses

EMC: Diverse Image videos

EMC: Diverse 360° photos

EMC: Image flyer

EPSON: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels)

EON: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels & Fairvent GmbH)

Europapark: Development of the COASTIALITY APP

Europapark: Development of a virtual Helmut Kohl exhibition for a theme room Grüner Punkt Recycling, VR-Suite as a interactive 360° video engine for CycleSpaces VR systems

Evonik: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels & COMPLEXX Messebau)


Farmont Yachts: Virtual tour of a luxury yacht

Faro: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels & Messebau Keck)

Faro: VR presentation at Public Safety Congress

Fraunhofer-inHaus-Zentrum: Long-standing content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels)

Fresenius Medical Care: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via Fa. tennagels)

Fresenius University of Applied Siences: VR-Suite license

FMT: Photo and Video documentation about maintenance at a turbine in Hungary

FH-WS: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Fujitsu: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels & head of event; recurring)

Fujitsu: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at CeBIT (via tennagels)


GASAG: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at E-World (via tennagels & Waskönig)

GASCADE Gastransporte GmbH: VR-Suite license & VR project

GE: 360° Panorama photographie of a turbine

Gerry Weber: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels; recurring)

Granny Vision GmbH: Virtual Reality-Suite License

GroupM: VR Event at „What´s next“ in Sweden and Norway (recurring)

GWK: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels)


Halfen: Content creation of a rotating TV Installation (via tennagels & agency Bauwerk)

Handwerkskammer der Pfalz: VR-Suite license

Haniel Museum: Virtual tour

Hansaflex: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels, recurring)

Universität Düssseldorf: Image video and Image brochure

Himolla: Virtual tour at trade fair booth (via tennagels)

Hitachi Power Europe: Multimedia real-time-3D-presentation at Hannover trade fair (via ESZETT)

Hoesch Museum: Virtual tour

Hotel am Kurpark: Virtual tour

Humboldt Wedag GmbH: Realtime 3D Project


IGEDO: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at CPD (via tennagels)

Ikodesign: several Virtual Reality-Suite Licenses

Imat-Uve: Development of a video animation

Imperial Logistic: Multi-year multimedia content creation at trade fair booth (via Skupin Design)

Imperial Logistic: VR rollercoaster with gaming elements (via Skupin Design)

Institut Strautmann AG: VR-Suite license

Inteco: Virtual tour of reference plant

Interieurs3D: Virtual Reality-Suite Licenses

Infineon: Content creation of  a LED display installation at electronica (via tennagels & UNID Communication GmbH)

IP Deutschland: VR Event & Keynote at TV-Wirkungstag / Screenforce Day

ISH Erdgas: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels & Waskönig)


Johnson & Johnson: Development of an avatar for a print media  (via Pleon)

Johnson Health Tech. GmbH/Matrix: Content creation of  a special LED display installation with rotating displays (via tennagels, recurring)


Karstadt-Quelle: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels & Standex Messebau)

KHS: VR project and Virtual Reality-Suite License

Kodak: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at DRUPA  (via Fa. tennagels)

KPMG: VR Event „VR-Lounge“

KPMG: Co-Partnering for development of a VR/AR study

KPMG: Co-Partnering for the development of an VR/AR-Assessment tool

Kraftanlagen München: Digital CMS presentation tool

Kraftanlagen München: Visualisation of a solar power plant

Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser (KWP): VR-Suite License


Lentjes: 360° construction documentation of a GuD power plant HKW IIIB for 4 years

LG/PRADA: Content creation of a LED catwalks at trade fair (via tennagels & Paffrath Events)

Lohia Starlinger Limited: Documentation of a trade fair booth

Lufthansa Technik: Content creation of  a special LED display installationat trade fair (via tennagels)


Mars: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at an event (via tennagels & eventage GmbH)

MArS Market Access & Pricing Strategy GmbH: Realtime 3D Project

Matthias Grote Planning Office: Virtual Reality Suite License

Merck Chemicals Ltd.: VR Workshop & Prototyp

Mediacom: VR Event at #telemesse (recurring)

Messe Düsseldorf: Content creation of  a special LED display installation for Euroshop (via tennagels)

Messe Düsseldorf: Image video with long-term time-lapse recording

Metso-Lindemann: Photo documentation of diverse scrap crusher and scap cutter in Germany, Netherland, and Switzerland

Metso-Lindemann: time-lapse construction documentation of scrap compactor

Monier: Development of a virtual building for product presentation

Monster Productions GbR: Virtual Reality Suite License

MPS Europa AG: VR-Suite License

Michelin: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels)

Ministerium für Gesundheit, Emanzipation, Pflege und Alter des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen: VR workshop

Mircosoft: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via tennagels)


Nanofocus Messlabor: Virtual tour

Naturenergie: Developmemt and maintenance of a content management system for presentation at trade fairs

Naturenergie: Virtual tour water power plant Laufenburg

Naturenergie: Virtual tour water power plant Rheinfelden

Naturenergie: Virtual tour water power plant Whylen

Naturenergie: Photos for Trade fairs

Niemann + Frey: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs  (via tennagels & Standhaft Messebau)

NÜRNBERGER VERSICHERUNG: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels)


OTELO: Content creation for a LED-Catwalks at trade fair (via tennagels & Paffrath Events)


Pfisterer: VR-Suite training

Pfisterer: Virtual Reality-Suite licenses

Popakademie: Lecture of the topic VR in music industry

ProsiebenSat1: Introductory workshop in the VR-Suite

PIKSL Labor Dortmund: VR-Suite license & training

P.I.N. Partner im Netzwerk e.V.: VR Event and Keynote


Queen´s University Belfast: VR-Suite license

Quatriga GmbH: VR-Suite License


Rheinische Post: Content creation of  a special LED display installation for an event (via tennagels)

Rhomberg: VR Project incl. 360° videos

Rhomberg: Real estate VR Project real-time-3D

Roche Diabetes Care Deutschland GmbH: VR-Suite License & Project digitalization of medical clinics

RWE Power AG: 360° construction documentation of power plant BoA 2&3 for 6 years with 260 Panoramaphotos

RWE Power AG: Production of 360° videos based on 360° photos

RWE Power AG: VR-Suite License


Schmersal: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels & bluepool GmbH)

Schmid Industrie Holding GmbH: VR Workshop

Sektor: Extensive time-lapse and video documentation of SMS trade fair booth at Metec

Sektor: 360° construction documentation of SMS trade fair booth at Metec

Sektor: Extensive time-lapse documentation Hüttentag

Seven One Media: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at dmexco (via tennagels)

SHS: VR Event

Sigma: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels & Kalle Krause GmbH)

Skupin Design: Documentation of the Imperial trade fair booth at Transport und Logistik (recurring)

Skupin Design: Virtual tour of Olympus trade fair booth

Skupin Design: Virtual tour at Amazon trade fair booth

Skupin Design: Virtual tour at Kenko/Tokina trade fair booth

Skupin Design: Virtual tour at Parker trade fair booth

SMS-Group: Interactives Content Management System for Recruiting (via Sektor)

SonoAce Deutschland GmbH: Bespielung einer LED-Sonderinstallation zur Messe (via tennagels)

Sortimo: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels)

Sparkasser Frankfurt: VR Project and training

Speirs + Major LLP: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Stadtwerke Duisburg: 360° construction documentation of a power plant and district heating incl. video documentation for 4 years VR presentation at trade fair booth

Systaic: Development of a 3D solar roof configurator


University of applied siences Aschaffenburg: VR-Suite License

Telekom: VR Strategy workshop

Thalia: Content creation of  a LED installation in a shop window display (via tennagels)

ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Hohenlimburg: Documentation of company’s historical museum

ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Hohenlimburg: Virtual company tour

ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Hohenlimburg: Safety video

ThyssenKrupp: Virtual company tour of a coke plant in South Korea

ThyssenKrupp: 3D Visualisation of a ship loader

ThyssenKrupp: 3D Visualisation of a transportation system

ThyssenKrupp: Virtual presentation of a stone gyratory crusher

ThyssenKrupp Steel CSA 3D Visualisation of one of the largest steel factory worldwide

ThyssenKrupp Steel CSA 360° Construction documenation of one of the largest steel factory worldwide (via  inlinear)

tennagels medientechnik: diverse product videos

tennagels medientechnik: diverse product photos and photomontage

tennagels medientechnik: diverse 360° photos

Toshiba: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fair (via tennagels)

Trendone: VR Presentation at several events

TrendOne: VR Workshops and organisation of „Afternoon for Innovators and VR“

Trumpf: Virtual Reality-Suite License

TU Wildau: Virtual Reality-Suite License


UNICBLUE: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels)

Unilever: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels & PA Marketing Service GmbH)

Unique: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels)

University of St. Gallen: VR lecture with industrial partners from energy sector

Unlimited GmbH: VR Project


Veka: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via Fa. tennagels)

Verbund AG: VR-Suite License

VDE: VR Production and presentation at congress incl. live streaming

Virtual Eventures GmbH: VR-Suite License & Project

Virtual Republic: Production of a special panorama

Volkswagen: Virtual Reality-Suite License

Voss International: Video documentation of a heavy-duty transport

Vossloh: Virtual Reality-Suite License


Welser Profile Austria GmbH: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels)

Warsteiner: Content creation of  a special LED display installation in Berlin (via tennagels)


Yamaha: Content creation of  a special LED display installation at trade fairs (via tennagels)


ZF Trading GmbH: Content creation of  a special LED display installation (via Fa. tennagels)

* Änderungen und Fehler vorbehalten. Preise sind exkl. MwSt. Reisekosten können in Rechnung gestellt werden.